Saturday, October 3, 2009

Automatic Number Announcement Circuit

There are many reasons why you would want to know what telephone number is associated with the line your working on... For me, I have performed various installs and troubleshooting for companies that have multiple external lines and recently I was sent to a job where someone had purposely ripped out all the wires from a bix block.  I knew where each line number belonged, but was unsure of which external line contained each line.  After a brief online search I was able to find the ANAC number that would help me sort out the mess of 10 external lines.

  • 204: 644-4444 Manitoba
  • 250: 958-6111 All of British Columbia excluding Vancouver (604)
  • 306: 115 Saskatchewan
  • 403: 311 Alberta, Yukon and N.W. Territory (except Calgary, Alberta)
  • 403: 958-6111 Alberta (Telus)
  • 403: 705-0311 Alberta (Allstream - may work in other parts of Canada - untested)
  • 403: 555-0311 Alberta (GroupTel - may work in other parts of Canada - untested)
  • 403: 908-222-2222 Alberta, Yukon and N.W. Territory
  • 403: 999 Alberta, Yukon and N.W. Territory
  • 416: 981-0001 Toronto, Ontario
  • 450: 320-1180 Most of the province of Quebec
  • 506: 1-555-1313 New Brunswick
  • 514: 320-1232 Montreal, Quebec
  • 514: 320-1223 Montreal, Quebec
  • 514: 320-1233 Montreal, Quebec
  • 514: 320-1180 Most of the province of Quebec
  • 519: 958-2622 Ontario
  • 604: 1116 British Columbia
  • 604: 1211 British Columbia
  • 604: 211 British Columbia
  • 613: 958-2622 Ontario -Bell ANAC-
  • 613: 555-0311 Ontario -Rogers ANAC-
  • 705: 320-4567 North Bay/Saulte Ste. Marie, Ontario
  • 709: 311 Newfoundland
  • 780: 958-6111 Northern Alberta
  • 819: 320-1112 Quebec
  • 819: 320-1180 Most of the province of Quebec 
I hope you find this useful :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Replace your missing Desktop IE icon in XP SP3

If you've installed service pack 3 in Windows XP and removed the Internet Explorer icon from your desktop you may have also realized that it's not so simple to replace the icon. Oh sure you can just create a shortcut to the program itself but then you won't have all the right click menu items associated with the original icon. In previous service packs, Microsoft allowed the recreation of the icon in a menu inside the control panel's display settings. Since their court battles about the integration of IE inside the operating system they seemed to have removed this feature all together.

Please only do this if you are moderately comfortable with the registry editor. Manipulating keys in the registry can really mess up your OS. That being said, enabling the icon can be done by opening your registry editor start/run/regedit and Navigating to the following registry key:


You may see either NewStartPanel like I did or ClassicStartMenu, inside whichever one your using you would create a new key then inside that key you create a DWORD (32-bit) value named {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D} and set it with value of 0 (dword:00000000).

After doing that, if you've done it correctly you can refresh the desktop by pressing F5 or right click on it and click refresh.

Voila, your icon should be restored!
Happy computing...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A nice partition Magic Alternative...

So you've got a drive that's dying and you want to copy it's contents over to a new drive. Normally people would use Norton Ghost to do the job and I must say Ghost does a fantastic job at it as I've used the product many times in an industrial setting. However today I just needed to recover some data from a dying drive before the drive failed and put it on a larger one. I didn't have a copy of Ghost anywhere in my disks, not sure where my disk went so onto the google search engine I went. Very quickly I found what I was looking for. A free and I must say very flexible product called Clonezilla. In my situation i was able to use it to clone my friends drive to a remote SSH location...

Huh? What do you mean by remote location?

Well it means that Clonezilla created an image file for me but not on the machine I'm working with... It grabs the data and stores it over the network on another machine. In my case it is the 500GB sata raid drive in my server. This means that I will retain the state that the machine is in so if the drive fails I can simply re image it from that ssh location. Theoretically this would even work from a far off remote location but on the local network it would be MUCH MUCH faster. I have a gigabit connection so things run smooth as can be and it doesn't affect my usual web traffic.

I recommend you use Clonezilla if you need a free alternative to commercial cloning software.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Worried about the Conficker virus?

First things first... Run the online scanner from microsoft found at

Then panic...

hahahaha, Just kidding!

Update your virus scanner software definitions and make sure windows update has downloaded the latest security patches...

If your already infected that's another story... Send me a message if you find that you are already infected and can't seem to clear it out on your own...


Friday, March 27, 2009

Online Security, does it make you nervous?

Online security is to say the least something that makes most people nervous. Ask someone if they are comfortable with online purchasing, banking and just general electronic fund transactions. They will likely look at you like a green eyed monster and tell you about some horror story they heard about on the news or experienced first hand. There is no doubt that as technology makes it easier for the merchant to take money from your pocket, the thieves will follow in hot pursuit.

I do my share of online transactions, in fact a lot of what I do to make a buck is online. Not as a merchant with a store front but through the years I have forged relationships with companies overseas, through email, in person etc. This lets me purchase products and then resell them online at auctions like eBay or through word of mouth with friends etc. It is something that has been steadily growing and while it's not something that pays the mortgage yet it does help out.

Paypal and eBay being two of the largest money movers on the internet both present a blessing for consumers and a stumbling block for merchants. On one hand, paypal offers a great way for a merchant to accept payments without the hassle of trying to win the trust of the customer, but at the same time the horror stories about paypal accounts gone bad and stolen credit card numbers has people on edge about using the service. It is no surprise really that most of the people I talk to day to day are afraid to use their own paypal account even when they signed up years ago... They tell me they just never used it because they are afraid. Most in fact, don't even have their paypal accounts linked to a credit card or bank account. And who can blame them? I wouldn't want my account information stolen either.

Recently when signing into paypal however, something I do almost daily. I was presented with a new option. For a small one time fee of 5 dollars, paypal would send me a little plastic key chain device with a single button on it. Pressing this button generates a 6 digit number for which only paypal and eBay can understand. How does this help me? Well, now when I sign into either eBay or paypal. After entering my username and password it then asks me to press the button and enter the number that was generated. A new number is generated every 30 seconds and so you can't just sniff it out on a network to log in and once the number is used their servers instantly require a new number for subsequent logons.

Finally, a way to securly log into these services. I always had the fear in the back of my mind that one day from a hotspot or even on my own network some sneaky thief would sniff out my username/password. Now it's just not possible and I love it.

So now your asking yourself, so what if you lose the key fob? What then smarty pants. And my answer to that is... You have a phone number registered on file, you can login and click a link telling them you lost or forgot your fob somewhere and the system will call you at the designated phone number and give you a temporary access number. You can then request that another fob is sent to you.

Brilliant I say, and if you use either eBay or Paypal, you should get this little device on your side ASAP.

Clicking our way through life, one link at a time...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Linux Security Permissions...

I had just installed the latest Ubuntu on a machine last night and got a couple users set up then I noticed something wrong.. Something seriously wrong... All of the users had access to each other's home directories. I believe this is true of all Ubuntu installs these days and I'm not quite sure why it's set up that way but here's how to clean it up a bit...
This was done in Linux Ubuntu...

I will assume that you are the owner of $home/user

I will also assume that you know how to open a Shell and enter some commands. The one we are going to use here is called CHMOD.

First a bit about how hexadecimal based file permissions work. The order of our three digit number XXX is;

Read =4
Write =2
eXecute =1

And the three XXX's are like USER/GROUP/WORLD permissions.

So to figure this out you simply add up your permissions. If you wanted to give full permissions you would add 4+2+1=7 therefore if you wanted to give everyone access to everything you would set your XXX to 777 but this would be insanity as your files would not last very long in a human world :)

I suggest you give user full permission so XXX looks like 7 groups should have read and write access so set that one to 5, remember read=4 + eXecute=1 so we got 5... your XXX now looks like 75X. So what about the rest of the world? well since some things like web pages need some sort of basic access to files we will set Read on the last bit so the now looks like 754.

So now you have files that you don't want other users to have access to in $home/user/MyPrivateFiles

The linux command to do this (REMEMBER TO SUDO or ROOT)

chmod -R 754 $home/user/MyPrivateFiles

the -R command will recursively go into each directory and modify the permissions of the files contained in MyPrivateFiles...

Hope that helps you secure your machine,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Classic Arcade Sounds...

Possibly one of the geekiest things anyone has done but obviously done by someone of the same era as me... It brought a sense of nostalgia from my past and I think anyone who is between 30 - 50 years old should definitely check this site out... The person who made these recordings is a brilliant artist...



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Firefox Add On Review

Have you ever watched a video online, through youtube or google video or just some embedded stuff and thought to yourself. I sure wish I could keep that video to be used on my portable device or even to put it on a DVD for offline viewing?

Well I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, and I have a solution for you... I have used this for almost a year now and it's been most excellent in it's task of ripping video and even audio content directly off the page for my selfish, grubby little hands...

It's called Download Helper, and it's a firefox extension. You can find it at It is easy to install and well, you should already be using firefox anyhow :)

Basically how it works is by automating the process of finding not just the meta files that process the streaming video but it digs deep into the source and finds the mp3/flv/avi/mpg etc that is the actual video, it then waits for it to stream to a file in your temporary internet folder and then saves it to wherever you want. When youtube first came out this was as easy as looking at the source code and clipping and pasting where the original file is, then they got smart and changed the code a bit... I had to create a meta file of my own etc... Now it's even more difficult, buried in php code etc...

If you want to keep the media your watching, download helper is the way to go!

Best of all, it's FREE!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tweet Tweet in Linux Gnome...

If your using twitter for your sms type communications, and I highly recommend you do. Linux users will really like the twitux application for Gnome. It has a mozilla like icon that sits in the system tray and will notify you of new tweets and allows you to publish tweets directly to your twitter account.

The latest client uses https for it's updates instead of regular http giving some added security.

One major feature that is missing is the minimize to system tray when you click the close widget. Like most instant messengers this feature should be built in, I hope the author includes this feature soon.

A thumbs up though, this is a cool application for the Gnome desktop.

The project can be found at


svn co twitux


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

VirtualBox 2.1 upgrad in Ubuntu 8.10

Yesterday my upgrade notifications in the menu bar lit up telling me there were upgrades. Well I was super busy but clicked to start the upgrade just before leaving the house. Out of the corner of my eye I read that there was an update to VirtualBox... Well this excited me because I use VirtualBox all the time to design web pages and to run my invoicing software. Major downside of virtualization has always been that I can not pay Subspace Continuum.. Just wouldn't run because of the lack of proper 3D graphics support... Well that may all change soon enough.

VirtualBox 2.1.4 (released 2009-02-16)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

All in all this is an excellent fix...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sharing LONG website addresses or URLS

Have you ever needed to share a link with someone, only to find out that the link you need to share is a really really long one? Retyping it or even clipping and pasting it becomes a nightmare and does not always translate properly in some instant messengers. Well there is a stupidly simple solution to it. Point your web browser to and there you will be able to enter a HUGE link to make it smaller...

I wanted to share an eBay item with someone, but surprisingly giving people just the eBay item number can be confusing, they end up saying where do I enter the number it? eBay has not quite made it clear that you just put the number in their search bar.


Tiny URL will take a long URL like;|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318#ebayphotohostinge

And it creates one like;

Much easier to share!

If you have useful geek tips like this, please email them to and I will share them on this blog with credit and a link back to your website or email address!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Great Software Review - flashcam

Well, I can't rave enough about this little baby...

But to make it short and sweet, for free, this gem allows your flash based camera utilities like and possibly facebook etc to be able to use v4l based cameras as if they were v4l2 based devices. It does this by creating a Vloopback device that translates every frame from the camera into the new virtual device. Thus your programs can now poll the new device and in real time use the frames.

BRILLIANT! absolutely useful software.

The flashcam project is available at


Ubuntu Sound Server Restart

Occasionally in Ubuntu Linux, some application hogs the pulseaudio sound server causing other programs like vlc and mplayer to not be able to actually play sound. There is a simple fix for this problem and it can be found at the command prompt level.

Open up BASH and do the following...

mousecrash$ cd /etc/init.d/

mousecrash$ sudo pkill -9 pulseaudio

mousecrash$ pulseaudio


That's it... If that didin't make any sense to you just reboot your computer ;)


Coining the phrase, "Mouse Crash"

What is a "Mouse Crash"?

A Mouse Crash is best described as the state when your mouse pointer seems to freeze on the screen yet other computer processes seem unaffected. To be considered a true "Mouse Crash", the mouse pointer must be the only process affected. This means that other processes such as a video could continue playing without interuption and the operating system can still be controlled by other input devices such as a keyboard. It's happened to all of us at one time or another. Some operating systems such as linux are less prone to this type of computer glitch but if the problem is not mouse driver related it generally affects all computer users at some point in their lives. Sometimes we reboot the computer or much like kicking the washing machine to make it work we whack the mouse down onto the table thinking it will correct the issue.

The problem can be caused when little bits of dust and debris get trapped in the bottom of your mouse making the distances measured by the ball or optical device less accurate. It may also present itself when the computer itself is underpowered for the processes it is working on, causing higher priority programs to still run and the lower priority mouse driver to fail. The term itself almost always inspires memories of a frustration in computer user.

Don Millette,

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Handing over ownership of a file in Linux.

Occasionally in linux you will find that you have moved a file to someone's directory only to find that they can not manipulate the file. They do not have ownership of the file and are not a member of the file's group so no access to it.

To display the access permissions of a file or directory use the the command:

ls -l superfile

This displays a detailed line for the file or directory and looks like:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 romrider romrider 49211 Feb 1 12:50 superfile

This first part -rwxr-xr-x shows the access permissions on this file. Then the number of links, username, who owns it, size of the file, a time and date stamp, then the filename itself.

Now lets say you want greg to take ownership of the file. The command would be:

chown greg superfile

You should also change the group to greg so he takes complete ownership:

chgrp greg superfile

Now greg completly owns the file called "superfile" and to top it off it is in gregs group so unless you are a member of that group you don't have any permissions anymore to alter the file.

So if you are a member of the greg group, greg the user themselves, or root you can access the file.

Simple eh?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Creating Web Page favicon.ico for IE5 or higher.

Some web pages in IE5 or higher and newer versions of firefox have a little icon next to the address or URL of the page. These little icons are called favicons and are placed at the root of your web server where the index file is. The file is called favicon.ico

The icon you create has to be exactly 16 pixels by 16 pixels. There are some alternative larger sizes, but only use these if you've investigated favicon use very thoroughly. The safest route is definitely 16x16. Try to fool the browser with a larger or smaller size and it will usually ignore you. You should also stick with the 16 Windows colors. Again, more colors can be used in sophisticated icons, but 16 is your safest bet.

Use whatever graphics program you desire, some more complex ones will be able to save it directly as an .ico file but if yours does not you can convert your newly created bmp or gif using a program called IRFANVIEW. If your not a fan of installing software you can use this online converter found HERE!

Keep in mind, not all web hosts support .ico files and so if their web server does not serve the file it will not show up no matter how many times you click your heels together and say... "There's no place like my home page, There's no place like my home page..." Well you get the idea...

Good luck!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Can Linux keep up with Windows 7?

I don't know enough about Windows 7 to comment directly on it's features but if history has anything to say about it it will be riddled with bugs and not easily accepted even within it's own fan base. All things aside, I will give it the benefit of the doubt. Up to this point I have heard good things from the Geeks community and I've also heard some bad things. The windows market share is falling fast as far as desktops are concerned. Enough of a fall in fact that I think the giant that is Microsoft must be at least clenching it's fists and having developer meetings whenever possible. A fly on the wall might hear opening statements similar to "Ok, now everybody stay calm..."

Just like a shiny new vehicle rolling off the production line for the first time, Windows 7 has it's first time appeal. The bug eyed consumer waiting for a product that is more stable and secure than before, but what will they really get? Will it just be Vista with a new paint job and some duct tape to hold the tail pipe up? I hope not.

There are a few Linux desktops that are just too good to ignore. Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Fedora. Compatibility was always the first question native windows users would ask when a linux geek said "Hey, you should try Linux". The standard answer was always "Yeah, but can it run my windows programs?". Systems such as WINE and my personal favorite, VIRTUALBOX both allow for an easy transition to linux leaving access to the stuff that just hasn't been ported over or won't be. Linux performance is increasing, hardware support getting better and of course Linux is still more secure and stable than any version of windows to date.

If your a gamer... Well progress is always being made but is still rather messy, most serious game developers are including linux in their designs but we are not yet seeing true cross platform simplicity...

I'm not yet convinced that Windows 7 isn't just Vista with a new slip cover over it. Power shell or not I'll gladly take a good 'BASH'ing before submitting to a time and time again proven failure. Windows may be easier to install and perhaps even to use but it isn't my cup of tea. Not when I can do anything they can do at the best price available, FREE! And pardon me if the linux environment actually forces people to use their brain and think about how to run a computer. Instead of laying out some stupified options that don't conform to the users exact needs. At the age of 10 I asked a friend from the Computer Shop of Calgary how to approach the problem of understanding the computer. His response was so simple but true. "Stop trying to understand the computer and start teaching it how to understand you!"

That's all for now, back to gnome I go...
I GNU you'd understand!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Root access to your Linux PBX if you forget your password.

Regaining root access "on a PBX that YOU OWN!"

Warning: It is ILLEGAL to do this on a machine that you do not own, this is intended only for hardware that you own. It is intended for people who are running a PBX system where they have either forgotten the password or were not supplied with it by their former system administrator.

(If you own the hardware, you should you know the password but if you don't for some reason!)

This was tested on the free version of switchvox.

Step 1 - (Using the well known Single User Mode to get a root prompt with GRUB).

  • While booting into the PBX press 'e' as soon as the grub menu appears.
  • Using the arrow keys, choose the line with your kernel. It will look something like "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-rt root=/dev/sda1 ro"
  • change the 'ro' to 'rw' then add ' single' to the and of the line. Then press 'enter'

The new line should look like "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-rt root=/dev/sda1 rw single"

  • Make sure the kernel line you modified is highlighted and press 'b' to boot the new line.

**IMPORTANT NOTE - As soon as your system is booting and you see the "press I for interactive" press "I" a few times. Soon you should be greeted by a bash prompt. If you get asked for the root password when entering single user mode use 'init=/bin/bash' on the kernel append line which should boot the machine into a bash console where you can get read/write access.

Step 2 - (You should be at your single user bash prompt with # next to the cursor)

  • Try the command 'passwd' If simply using 'passwd' to change root doesn't work and you get an error then you will have to keep reading. If passwd successfully changed the root password then reboot and enjoy your new PBX system.
  • (Assuming passwd did not work) - type 'adduser newuser' and set the password to newuser.
  • Now CD into /etc and edit the passwd file or shadow file if you have one with 'vi /etc/passwd' or 'vi /etc/shadow' if you have a shadow file, that is where the encrypted password is kept.
  • The newuser you created will have a line in /etc/shadow that looks like this;


Now just copy the string that exists between the first set of colons in your newuser and put it where the * or string is on the root line. Here are some examples.

Old root string - "root:*:14095:0:99999:7:::"

New root string - "root:$1$GTayGdXe$Nz/jvMC7SImVQCfMuPG.m1:14095:0:99999:7:::"

(Now Save the file)

Step 3 - Reboot the system and log in as root with the password you set for newuser.

That should work just dandy, you can now access your PBX using root!

Special thanks to Douglas for helping me understand how the passwd & shadow file work.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

When setting up a fresh linux distribution it is often easier to just set up an entire hard drive as root partition. That root partition is represented as / in unix like operating systems including linux. The various directories exist usually within root, or /

The / directory or root directory is not to be confused with the root account. The root user's home directory or workspace is actually located at /root

Some other common directories that make up the basic linux directory structure are;

/boot (This is where the boot information is stored, as the name suggests)

/etc (Most programs including system programs keep their configuration files here, some of which can be hand edited with a program called VI, or VIM.)

Within /etc there are a few vital files that linux needs, those are /etc/inittab which is much like autoexec.bat or system.ini in dos/windows environments. It describes what processes are started at boot time.
and of course the all important /etc/fstab which contains information about various file systems for automounting at boot time. If this file did not exist you would have to mount file systems manually.

/bin and /usr/bin are more or less the same idea, they hold the executables such as 'ls' and 'cp' and 'mv' these executables are called from their path to do the various things that one would like to do when in a shell environment. These programs are often called upon by sub routines in programs to pipe or bring information to the program as variables that can be used for data manipulation. It really doesn't make a difference which of these to executable paths you choose to put your programs. When you type a command at the BASH prompt, BASH looks in both of these directories to see if the program exists.

/usr is kind of reserved for applications and their components, the source code, pictures, documentations etc. Even configuration files can be kept here although usually that kind of thing goes in /etc as described earlier.

/usr/doc is self explanitory, if it's not then you really should take up a nother hobby... :)
/usr/share contains config files, photos and other components that may be accessed by all users of the system.

/usr/src usually contains the source code for programs that you install.

/usr/include contains header files for use with C programs at compile time. Most C programs rely on these header files to build programs while you install them on your particular system.

/lib (contains libraries for programs, they can be dynamically linked just like DLL programs are in windows.)

/home (This is where all your users data will be stored. Whenever I format a new hard drive I always put this on it's own partition.)
So you will have a / partition for all the previously mentioned directories, and then you will have a /home that my look something like;

/home/user3 etc...

/var is an important place where files that change on a regular basis are stored. Such as log files etc.

/var/mail obviously for keeping in/outgoing mail for users.

/tmp writable by most programs and users, programs keep temporary files here while they are being executed.

/dev (Here is where all the hardware on your system is stored. The information about how your system can use the hardware is contained in the files.)

/mnt (This directory is for physical devices usually removables like floppy drives, cdrom drives and or usb mass storage devices.) On some more recent systems this is also stored in /media

/proc (This isn't really a directory it contains some information about the kernel and contains a bunch of numbers, each one associated with a process or running task on your system.

/lost+found (When your system crash's, files that were open and not yet properly written to the hard drive are kept here. This way you can restore files that may otherwise not be recoverable when the system powers down.

I know it's not an exhaustive list, but hopefully this gave you some sense of how the linux directory structure is layed out. People often ask me about this and at first it can be a bit confusing...


Friday, January 2, 2009

Chris Pirillo singing...

If your a true geek, then you already know who Chris Pirillo is. On new years eve while hangin' with the good geeks at Chris was accepting donations for the IRC network they use. In return he would do some crazy things for us all. So as my request I asked Chris to sing "King of Spain" by Moxy Fruvous. A Canadian singer from Toronto.

And here is what that request looked like :)

Find more videos like this on Geeks!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Adding a cdrom source to /etc/apt/sources.list

Just a quick response to someone needing help with apt sources. This particular person is using ubuntu 5.04 server edition and since the repos are not maintained anymore he needs to install some packages from the cdrom itself.

To do this is quite simple. First if you don't want to modify your /etc/apt/sources.list the move it with the following command to a backup.

sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak

Simply make sure the cd you want to add is in the drive then simply execute;

sudo apt-cdrom add

A few moments later the packages on the cdrom will be cataloged and accessable to apt.

Hope that helps!

Sendmail MTA Outbound Mail Problem.

One of the most used mail transport agents, the one that basically built the early years of the Internet was Sendmail. Simple, and Rock solid this has worked for many many years but now It's software that is showing it's age. With the increasing problem of spam default servers like this one are being forced to take a safe approach. In Sendmail's case, a default install on Ubuntu for example is set not to allow external mailing. This is a good idea in a world where a default unsecure setup can leave a person with a serious problem when some script kiddie from another land uses your computer to mass email thousands of people. Quickly your ISP will spot you and you will end up with a blacklisted IP and no internet service at all.

I am not going to elaborate on the securing of sendmail, I would just hope that you would seek out the answers to that yourself. But I do know that to get a mail server up and running quickly you need to be able to get mail flowing out of the lan and into the wan...

Since sendmail is by default configured to accept connection from local system ( Which would avoid open mail relay problem.

To allow connections from ALL hosts/LAN IPs open file (login as the root):

# vi /etc/mail/

Look for line that read as follows:

DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

Comment or remove above line and insert new line that read as follows:


Above line will force to accept connection from any host. Save the file. Regenerate sendmail configuration file using m4:

# m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/

Restart sendmail service :

# /etc/init.d/sendmail restart

"That's IT!" Yup, you've been struggling for days with this problem but it's really very simple when you know where to look eh?
I hope you found it useful...